Wishing Things Were Different

caregiver stress caregiver support family caregiver spousal caregiving Jul 26, 2024


Caring for a loved one with dementia can be incredibly challenging...

And it's only natural to wish things were different.

But have you ever stopped to consider how your approach might be affecting the situation?

Are you coming from a place of love?

Or, are fear and desire steering your actions?

Think about it like shifting gears in a car:

When you act out of fear—like worrying about the future—or desire for things to be different, it's as if you're trying to force the car into gear, making it jerk and stall.

You might find yourself trying to control or change the person or situation...

Pushing for them to try harder or correcting their perceptions.

This almost always creates more stress, frustration, and disconnection.

Now, consider the alternative.

When you approach caregiving from a place of love, it's like slowing down and smoothly shifting into the right gear.

You're opening the door to empathy, understanding, and acceptance.

How does this change things?

When you recognize and validate your loved one’s emotions...

Accept them for who they are in the moment...

And engage with them in ways that honor their current abilities...

You’ll find that things run more smoothly.

Of course, this takes practice...

Just like learning to drive.

Our clients report that, with practice, it really does make a difference.  

We want you to have more energy and less stress.

If you want that too, try something new. 

Remember, you’re in the driver’s seat.

You have the power to shift gears and guide the experience in a way that supports you and your loved one.


P.S. If you're considering assisted living and don't know where to start, don't miss our NEW weekly group coaching. 



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