When Your Spouse Has Dementia
Aug 23, 2021
In 1969, Paul McCartney wrote the song Let It Be...
A beautiful song with lyrics that remind us not to worry...that everything will be alright.
While those words can be comforting in certain situations, they can also feel unrealistic.
This is especially true for spousal caregivers.
When a spouse is diagnosed with dementia, it can be hard to believe that everything will be alright.
And it's darn near impossible not to worry about what's to come.
We know this because we coach spouses whose plans are interrupted.
Instead of working on their bucket list of fun trips and relaxation, they get the diagnosis that changes everything...dementia.
"We've been saving for retirement all these years and now this."
"I thought we would be traveling and seeing the world together."
"I have so much responsibility and have to do everything."
"I miss my partner, but they are still here."
"Sometimes I feel like a married widow."
Before your brain will accept a new reality and "let it be"...it's critical to take the first step and acknowledge what happened.
Our bodies need space and time to feel unexpected and intense emotions.
Grief, for example, must be processed...also the fear, loss, anger, shock, sadness, and/or denial...whatever shows up.
Then, and only then, will you ever be able to accept and live proactively with a diagnosis.
One step at a time YOU CAN decide to shift your focus away from the list of things you can't control...and onto the things you can.
Schedule a complimentary consultation today and...
Learn more about what is happening to you and the person you love living with a neurodegenerative illness.
Decide how and who you want to surround yourself with for love and support as you care for your partner.
Begin to actively modify your language and lifestyle so you can find your way to living, no matter the circumstance!
Then, let it be...
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