Dementia Care and Hydration
Aug 29, 2021
How do you make an article about the importance of hydration exciting?
It's not easy...but we managed to find a way to make it more interesting!
So, pour yourself a tall glass of water and let's get started!
Did you know that a giraffe can last up to 3 weeks without a drink of water?!
When they do drink, however, they can drink as much as 12 gallons at a time!
In contrast, we humans can only last about 3 days without water...and unlike giraffes, we need it every day.
Since water makes up 83% of our blood, 75% of our brain, and 90% of our lungs, getting the recommended daily amount is critical to good health.
And, keep in mind that it's not enough to drink water only when you feel thirsty.
The aging process actually weakens your body's ability to let you know it doesn't have enough fluid.
This means that by the time you feel thirsty, you're already dehydrated.
So, how much should you be drinking?
For men, the Institute of Medicine recommends 13 cups (about 3 liters) every day.
For women, they suggest 9 cups (a little over 2 liters) every day.
That might sound like a lot to swallow, but not drinking enough water can negatively affect thinking and reasoning, increase blood pressure, and contribute to constipation (among other things).
If you're struggling to keep your loved one hydrated, give these ideas a try:
Dilute juices or tea with water...half and half.
Watermelon, grapes and oranges are water-rich. Try a fresh fruit smoothie blended with low fat yogurt and water.
We LOVE the story behind Jelly Drops! Click here to learn more about these award-winning sweets designed to boost hydration. They're 95% water, sugar free and vegan with a fantastic, solid but smooth texture.
Getting enough water every day takes effort and creativity, especially when you're caring for someone living with dementia.
We hope these tips help you increase your intake...after all, "Water is Life".
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