How to Stop Worrying
Sep 07, 2021
"The secret of health for mind and body is not to mourn the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly." - Buddha
This quote is one of our favorites because it reminds us to practice the art of mindfulness...
And to live one day at a time.
When you do this, you see things more clearly...
And you are able to focus on solutions more than the problem at hand.
Even when you experience a situation that makes practicing mindfulness seem impossible...
It's worth a try.
While there's no question there are life events that can be extremely upsetting, there are a number of ways those events can play out.
There are also many things within your control that can make your life better than you imagined.
One thing is for sure...
Worrying is not the answer.
Worry is nothing more than a narrative you have constructed in your mind.
Worrying creates anxiety producing emotion that in no way changes the future.
Instead, it makes you miserable and takes you away from other things happening in your life.
That's no way to live!
So, we encourage you to do everything in your power to calm your mind when you find yourself in a state of worry.
One of the easiest ways to do this is to download a mindfulness app.
We're huge fans of Headspace and Calm.
Both are fantastic...but one may appeal to you more than the other.
So, give them a try and get yourself on the road to healthier and happier days!
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