How Can Dementia Coaching Help Families?

Mar 20, 2024

It was a Tuesday afternoon when the phone call came. My aunt’s voice trembled as she shared the news we’d all been afraid of: Mom’s diagnosis was confirmed. DEMENTIA. That was a moment that shuffled our world upside down.

Sound familiar? It’s the story of every third American today as millions of families deal with a diagnosis that alters the landscape. THE GOOD NEWS IS there is help – and it’s dementia coaching.

Through our years of work with dementia, You and Me Aging has had the privilege of assisting many of our clients through dementia family coaching. Our therapies and tools encourage support from family members, making it easier for caregivers and families providing care.

Stay tuned to learn more about how our coaching can help your family during their dementia journey.

BUT, first, you need to understand;

What is Dementia Family Coaching?

Dementia coaching is like a knowledgeable friend who has walked this path many times before. A dementia coach is a personalized, hands-on assistant who guides families who are living with the reality of dementia daily. Dementia family support and coaching are quite the opposite of traditional counseling, which tends to be focused more on the emotional side and less on practical action.

It’s more like having a trainer for caregiving. You’re taught concrete skills that help you communicate better, manage challenging behaviors, and make care decisions. More than that, you get the confidence to face the challenges that come your way.

Key Benefits of Dementia Family Coaching

  • Better Communication: Breaking Through the Fog

As even the simplest conversations become minefields of frustration, dementia coaching offers new ways of engaging: using visual cues, distilling language, and, particularly, patience toward the dementia patient.

  • Stress Relief: Finding Your Breath Again

Dementia coaching teaches how to use best the stress-management techniques that work in real life, not just in books. You’ll learn about respite care in your community, rehearse simple mindfulness exercises, and learn how technology might help things run a little smoother. One day, we started to feel less overwhelmed.

  • Confident Decision-Making: Charting Your Course

When you have decided that your mom (granny, closer friend with dementia) should stay at home or move to a facility, or are taking care of her finances and legal affairs, it is all less stressful.

Speaking to someone who understood the difficulties of dementia care made a difference. Decisions were still hard but coaching helped us to believe in the choices we made, and this in itself explains the potential of dementia coaching to help in making confident decisions.

  • Stronger Relationships: Rediscovering Connection

Dementia impacts relationships, but our coach will help you to learn how to stay present in the moment with dementia patients and how to stay connected despite the difficulties, and learn to find or create new ways of celebrating and having joy – no matter what the situation is.

You’ll develop the skills of paying close attention, finding small joys, and creating rituals that can help you when everyone else tells you that it’s the end of the world.

What Happens in Dementia Family Support and How It Works?

Dementia family support is an integral part of effective dementia coaching. Families are provided with the tools and strategies needed to manage the challenges of caring. Here is a description of what happens in dementia family support; and how it can work for you.

  • Personalized Guidance

 The assessment is the first step in the dementia family coaching program, which is personalized to fit each family’s unique needs and challenges. Coaches engage with families to gain a stronger understanding of their individual situation including the type and stage of dementia, family dynamics, and any specific concerns or goals.

This individualized approach means that the help on offer is appropriate to each family’s situation.

  • Educational Components

Education –sharing information about dementia – is a central component of dementia family support. Coaches share current scientific knowledge about the disease with families, including how the illness unfolds and what appropriate care strategies are available. This helps families anticipate and prepare for different aspects of care, such as:

  • Practical Strategies
  • Tips for managing daily routines and activities
  • Understanding the stages of dementia and their implications
  • Strategies for effective communication with a loved one with dementia

All our publications on dementia family support are intended to provide practical, actionable strategies for everyday life, whether it be developing routines, managing behavioral symptoms, or addressing specific care needs.

Coaches offer guidance on:

  -  Modifying the physical environment to promote safety and comfort for the person with dementia might involve reducing hazards and making the environment familiar and reassuring.

 - Practical tools to help with the often-frazzling day-to-day behaviors that come with having a mentally ill loved one, such as how to deal with agitation, aggression, or withdrawal. Coaches attend to these issues, teaching families to respond constructively and compassionately.

 - Advice on preparing for future long-term care needs, such as exploring care choices and planning for the future.

How Dementia Family Support Works?

Promoting Communication Skills – Dementia care relies on communication with the person. Support programs can teach families how to speak clearly and avoid misunderstandings, as well as simple ways to encourage and support the impaired loved one.

For instance, families will learn how to use short sentences, nonverbal cues, and active listening.

Emotional and Psychological Support – Caring for someone with dementia can be emotionally taxing. Our dementia family coaching programs allows carers to share their feelings and receive emotional support.

Coaches can help families cope with stress and avoid burnout by providing patients and their parents with the tools they need to relax.

Supportive & Collaborative Problem-Solving—This type of Support involves working together to address specific problems as they arise. For example, you can encourage families to bring their issues to coaching sessions so they can develop a solution together.

In this way, the intervention remains rooted in reality and provides a bespoke response to the family.

Tapping Resources and Referrals – Dementia coaching may also involve helping families connect with outside resources and referrals. This might include referrals to local support groups, physicians, psychologists, or other resources or services such as those that provide respite, counseling, or other forms of support.

Coaches also make sure families are able to take advantage of resources that can reinforce their caregiving efforts.

Ongoing Support and Follow-Up. Support isn’t a one-time act; it’s an ongoing process. Coaches support and follow up with families over the long haul to assist with progress, tackle new challenges, and adjust strategies as needed, keeping them feeling supported and empowered in their caregiving roles.

Explore Dementia Family Coaching Programs At You & Me Aging: Your Roadmap to Resilience

The You & Me Fundamentals program that we have developed at You And Me Aging grows out of nearly 20 years of clinical experience working with families. It is an organic whole that addresses all the domains affected by dementia, including its emotional and relational effects.

Our program includes:

Creative Companionship - Finding new ways to connect and engage

Transition Support - Navigating changes in living situations with confidence

Relationship Reframing - Adapting to new roles while preserving emotional bonds

Self-Care Strategies - Ensuring caregivers maintain their own well-being

Ready to explore how dementia coaching could help your family?

Here's how to begin:

Reach out to You & Me Aging for a free consultation.

We will listen to your story and discuss how coaching might help. We will create an action plan for your family’s needs and goals together. We will focus on establishing shared language and goals in the first few sessions.

 We will adjust our approach based on what is working for you and engage in a continuing dialogue throughout this process – you are the expert on your family, and we are your guides and supporters.

Experience The You & Me Aging Difference With Dementia Training For Family Members

Dementia is hard. There is no way to sugar-coat the difficulties that can come with caring for a loved one with dementia. But you don’t have to do it alone. There is a way to create opportunities for fun, strengthen relationships, and feel more confident in your caregiving experience. At You & Me Aging, we’ve helped families worldwide transform their dementia care experience.

Want to take the next step? Contact You ­ ­& ­Me Aging today. Let’s create a care experience that respects your loved one and supports your whole family. In this ‘you and me’ experience, no one should have to go alone.

It's time! Schedule your complimentary consultation today.

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